Tallest Giraffe Productions

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A theory with no name is still a theory

I suppose if I have some big theory I must find a way to test it.

Today's conviction is that altering my identity is a key to my identity. I believe there's a personality type no one has singled out yet:
- Immersing/forgetting self in music, singing, dancing, exercise, reading fiction and nonfiction
- Always seeking out peak experiences
- Interested in gender and other identity choices (goths, or the 25- or 30-year-old guy who works at the rec center and wears the uniform they all wear but has a bright red mohawk and shaved head on either side. He's just as nice as he can be -- his hair isn't a statement that he has a bad attitude. Fascinating, no?)
- Wanting to perform, act, speak out, try on other's identities (see above)
- Trying on clothing for the sake of costuming more often than for the purpose of buying needed clothing

For example: Yesterday I was exercising and listening to music, and I wanted to wire my feet and dance on the elliptical machine, so that drum sounds connected with my various foot taps: toe - cymbal, ball - mid-range, heel - bass, etc. I heard Blind Faith's "Can't Find My Way Home" and imagined being able to tap out some of the many beautiful rhythms that weave through this song. And then "Ping One Down" came on and made me want to be Olly Peacock. Again.

Huh. How do I find the other people like this? What is the unifying idea?