Tallest Giraffe Productions

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Out from under the shadow

I have started realizing lately that I am a good person to know. I know a lot of people and keep my ear to the ground and help people connect and pass along interesting information. It's like when I met D.B. and wondered if I would ever feel that confident that I was bringing the fun with me to the party, that I could be the party. He's really good at that. And I'm starting to feel it myself.

Filming myself has been interesting because it shows me how much I try not to let out. I was practicing singing yesterday (listening to the ipod and singing through the amp), and I heard right away how much better it sounds if you sing out the notes, all the way to their ends, rather than damping or swallowing any of them. I am shedding that old skin as fast as I recognize it on me, I swear.


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